1- At the invitation of H.E. Jean-Yves LE DRIAN, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of the French Republic, H.E. Prof. Robert DUSSEY, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and Togolese Abroad paid a working visit to France.
2- Questions of common interest linked to bilateral cooperation and collaboration between France and Togo on regional and multilateral subjects were at the center of discussions between the two Ministers.
3- Bilaterally, the two personalities were delighted with the excellent quality of the historic relations of friendship and cooperation which unite France and Togo and reaffirmed their availability to continue working closely for their consolidation and diversification. .
4- Minister DUSSEY expressed the thanks of the Togolese Government for the multifaceted support that France provides him in particular in the fields of university governance and reform of higher education, capacity building of civil society actors, in the occurrence, on issues of gender and sustainable development… He underlined the particularity of French support which is targeted and perfectly in line with the priorities of the development plan adopted by the Togolese Government.
5- He took the opportunity to discuss the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the implementation of the National Development Plan (PND), which made it necessary to update it through the adoption of a 2020-2025 government roadmap, the achievement of which requires the support of all partners, among which France is in first place.
6- Speaking of regional issues, the two Ministers, while welcoming the smooth running of the electoral processes in several West African countries, nevertheless expressed their concerns about the persistence of terrorism and insecurity in West Africa.
7- In this regard, the Head of French diplomacy congratulated the President of the Republic, His Excellency Mr. Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE for his commitment and his actions for peace and security in the West African sub-region. He insisted on the need for coordination of all initiatives for more efficiency.
8- Regarding multilateral issues, the two Ministers reaffirmed their common desire to support multilateralism and the fight against global warming.
9- They reiterated their commitment to strengthen their collaboration in international forums, by coordinating their positions, not only for a better defense of their common interests, but also for the preservation of international peace and security.
10- In addition, H.E.M. LE DRIAN congratulated Minister DUSSEY for the leadership he has shown in the conduct of the negotiations of the post-Cotonou OEACP-EU Agreement which have just been concluded.
11- At the end of his stay, the Togolese Head of Diplomacy expressed his warm thanks and gratitude to his French counterpart for the quality of the welcome he received and his delegation.
Done in Paris, January 29, 2021