Press Release
1. On 5 September 2019, an Indian delegation led by Mr. E. Vellamvelli MURALEEDHARAN, Deputy Minister of External Affairs of India, made a working visit to Lomé.
2. The delegation was received in audience by the President of the Republic, HE Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE.
3. She then had working sessions with HE Prof. Robert DUSSEY, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and Togolese Abroad, Mrs. Demba A. TIGNOKPA, Minister of Development Planning and Cooperation, Mr. Dèdèriwè ABLIBIDAMON, Minister of Mines and Energies and Mrs. Cina LAWSON, Minister of Posts and the Digital Economy.
4. This meeting enabled the Indian delegation to exchange with the Togolese Ministers on issues of common bilateral, regional and multilateral interest.
5. At the bilateral level, the two parties have welcomed the excellent relations of friendship and cooperation that have united Togo and India since 1980 and reaffirmed their commitment to work towards the development and diversification of those -this.
6. To illustrate these friendly relations, the Togolese side presented to the Indian delegation, an album of the postage stamps of the Togolese Post about India, its people and culture, as well as the personality of Mahatma Gandhi.
7. The Indian side announced the opening of an Embassy in Lomé in 2020.
8. The two delegations also agreed on the forthcoming signing of an agreement on the reciprocal visa exemption for holders of diplomatic and service passports of both countries, as well as the possibility for Togolese citizens wishing to surrender in India to apply for visas online.
9. In addressing development issues, the Togolese side recalled that Togo has recently adopted a National Development Plan (NDP) articulated around three axes and called on the Indian side to support Togo in the realization of the plan, through the mobilization of public and private investments.
10. Both parties have committed themselves to work to strengthen cooperation between the private sectors of the two countries.
11. In this regard, the Togolese and Indian Governments will support the chambers of commerce and other professional associations of businessmen of both countries with a view to signing partnership agreements.
12. In reviewing ongoing cooperation projects, both parties committed to accelerate the process of signing the Memorandum of Understanding for the extension of telemedicine to Togolese students and patients through the e-VBAB project.
13. India also committed to expedite the review of the Biometric Identification System project (Togo e-ID).
14. The two parties also agreed to cooperate in the mining and energy sectors, particularly through a project to electrify 350 rural localities.
15. In the fields of higher education and technical and vocational training, both parties undertook to increase their cooperation, particularly through the granting of scholarships by India to Togolese students.
16. With regard to multilateral issues, the Togolese side congratulated the Government of India for its joint initiative with France leading to the creation of the International Solar Alliance (ASI) and commended India’s efforts in the framework of the activities of this Alliance.
17. She also assured the Indian side of Togo’s determination to work for the development of ASI activities in Africa, within the framework of the Africa Region Vice-Presidency of this institution, which Togo has been providing since March 2019.
18. Stressing the importance for them to strengthen their collaboration in the framework of International Organizations, in particular with regard to the harmonization of their views on issues of common interest and their mutual support in the event of candidature to a position of a given organization, both parties have committed themselves to maintaining a permanent dialogue on these issues.
19. On the sidelines of this visit, HE Mr. Vellamvelli MURALEEDHARAN presented to the Diplomatic Club of Lomé a paper on India-Africa relations.
Done at Lomé on 06 September 2019