Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Mali, Head of Delegation,
Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security of the African Union,
Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security of ECOWAS,
Mr. Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General for West Africa and the Sahel,
Mr. Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Head of MINUSMA,
Mr. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Congo,
Ladies and gentlemen of the Malian delegation,
Dear Minister colleagues of Togo,
Ladies and gentlemen ambassadors, members of the diplomatic and consular corps and representatives of international organizations,
Ladies and gentlemen heads of delegations,
Dear friends and partners of Mali,
Honorable traditional rulers,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I would like, above all, to wish everyone, on behalf of the President of the Republic, H.E. Mr. Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE, a warm and fraternal welcome to Togo on the occasion of this new meeting of the support group for the transition in Mali.
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Mali, Head of Delegation,
Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security of the African Union,
Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security of ECOWAS,
Mr. Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General for West Africa and the Sahel,
Mr. Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Head of MINUSMA,
Mr. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Congo,
Ladies and gentlemen of the Malian delegation,
Dear Minister colleagues of Togo,
Ladies and gentlemen ambassadors, members of the diplomatic and consular corps and representatives of international organizations,
Ladies and gentlemen heads of delegations,
Dear friends and partners of Mali,
Honorable traditional rulers,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I would like, above all, to wish everyone, on behalf of the President of the Republic, H.E. Mr. Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE, a warm and fraternal welcome to Togo on the occasion of this new meeting of the support group for the transition in Mali.
Allow me also to express my gratitude to all of you who have accepted to participate in this meeting with a view to continuing to support the people and the government of Mali, determined to restore peace, security and stability.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Distinguished Guests,
By deciding to hold this session in Lomé, after that of March 8, 2021, you are once again offering Togo the opportunity to underline the importance and the great interest that Togo has in the success of the process of transition, reconstruction and economic recovery of Mali, a sister country.
Indeed, Togo’s commitment to international peace and security is based on our vision always focused on finding peaceful solutions to all the security, environmental and social challenges facing our region and continent.
In this sense and with regard specifically to our concern today, our determination to remain at Mali’s side is further reinforced by the realities of security interdependence which underlie it and which, through a domino effect, have consequences on each of the States or entities that we represent here.
It goes without saying that the security situation in our sub-region is fundamentally and mainly dependent on security in northern Mali. The rise of armed terrorist groups and their descent towards coastal countries is not unrelated to the many lawless zones that have formed throughout the Sahelian strip.
In this regard, the recent terrorist attacks against the defense and security forces and civilian populations in northern Togo confirm the need to act in synergy and work collectively to overcome these criminal organizations.
This sad and painful reality strengthens us in our commitment alongside Mali which, without a doubt, occupies an important position in cooperation for the security of West Africa. And we have the firm conviction that by committing ourselves, that by showing solidarity and availability for its cause, we help each other and we act in this way for our collective security.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Distinguished guests
It is common ground today that the Malian government is torn between the need to substantially improve the country’s security situation and the urgent need to re-establish the presence of the State in the territories affected by armed insurrections.
Even if we agree that it is up to each State to guarantee the security of its population, we must recognize that part of the responsibility lies with us because the security of our sub-region is at stake. From this point of view, I would like to see this support group not only as a manifestation of solidarity towards a brother country, but also as a responsible commitment for the well-being of the entire sub-region.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Dear attendees,
I would like, in this respect, to congratulate ourselves on the spirit of permanent dialogue which has prevailed over the past few months and which must be maintained because it constitutes the best way to arrive at an effective solution taking into account the realities of our countries in difficulty. and their real desire to patiently and sustainably build viable democratic states.
Moreover, this successful outcome of the crisis resulted in an acceleration of the establishment of other political mechanisms and bodies, in particular the adoption of a new transition charter, the detailed calendar of reforms and elections and especially the adoption of a new electoral law and the appointment of the members of the committee in charge of drafting the new constitution. These decisive efforts by the Malian authorities must be fully encouraged.
The transition period should not be limited to the organization of new elections; it could serve to lay the groundwork for more lasting change in the governance of Mali. This requires bringing together more political actors around the priorities of the country.
In this regard, we urge the Malian authorities and the other national actors to continue their efforts to maintain the dialogue and consultation that characterized the National Conference on Refoundation with a view to reaching decisions likely to lead to a successful transition. constructive and virtuous.
In this sense, the international community should provide constructive support for the political transition while encouraging all Malian parties to resolve the difficulties through dialogue.
This meeting will be an opportunity for us to have frank discussions on the evolution of the situation and to agree together on the modalities of support for these initiatives.
In terms of security, significant results have been recorded, in particular the neutralization by the Malian defense and security forces of certain terrorist groups and especially the return of the administration and basic services to localities previously occupied by terrorists.
The security challenge and the humanitarian situation are therefore essential points to which this meeting should pay particular attention in order to propose appropriate solutions.
I take this opportunity to salute the significant efforts that have already been made since the first meeting of the support group, both by the United Nations, through MINUSMA, and by African regional organizations such as the African Union and ECOWAS as well as than neighboring countries.
However, challenges remain and our will to pursue these efforts as well as the collaboration in favor of Mali must remain firm. We must act to help and improve; this must remain the leitmotif and the spirit of this important multilateralism that we form around Mali through this support group.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Distinguished guests
In the search for solutions to the regional situation in Mali, I would like to pay a well-deserved tribute to our defense and security forces deployed in the field of peacekeeping operations.
We have a pious thought particularly for all these brave men and women, members of the international forces, who left us defending this noble cause which is that of restoring peace and security in Mali and the Sahel.
I would like to assure you of the unfailing availability and commitment of the President of the Republic, H.E.M. Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE to support the sister Republic of Mali in these fateful moments and to work for the smooth running of innovative and united initiatives, to the image of GST-Mali, to help you on the path to lasting stability and peace.
I am convinced that today’s work will lead to relevant conclusions that will make it possible to better mobilize all initiatives, energies and resources for the restoration of constitutional order in a Mali at peace.
Lasting peace in the Sahel, in the West African sub-region, in Africa and in the world is also at this price.
On behalf of the President of the Republic, H.E.M. Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE, I declare the work of this meeting open.
Thank you.