Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and Togolese Abroad - Togo
Chief Negotiator of ACP Group for Post-Cotonou 2020 agreement - Professor of Political Philosophy

Prof. Robert Dussey

Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and Togolese Abroad - Togo
Chief Negotiator of ACP Group for Post-Cotonou 2020 agreement - Professor of Political Philosophy

Ministerial Preparatory Meeting for the 9th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 9)

  1. At the invitation of the Republic of Japan, Prof. Robert DUSSEY, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and Togolese Abroad, took part in Tokyo, Japan, from 21 to 25 August 2024, in the ministerial preparatory meeting for the 9th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 9), on the sidelines of which he had a bilateral meeting with his Japanese counterpart.
  1. In addition to the host country and African States, the African Union Commission, the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations participated in the work of this TICAD 9 ministerial meeting scheduled to be held in August 2025 in Yokoyama, Japan, on the theme “Co-creating innovative solutions with Africa“.
  1. This high-level meeting was an opportunity for Africa, Japan and other stakeholders to have in-depth and constructive discussions on TICAD priority areas and to explore innovative solutions adapted to the current and future challenges of Africa and the world.
  1. The work of the ministerial meeting was organized around three main pillars, namely society, peace and stability, and the economy. More concretely, the ministers addressed the issues of connectivity, youth and women, peace and security, public-private partnership and the construction of inclusive and responsible global governance based on freedom, equity and the rule of law.
  1. During the bilateral meeting with H.E. Mrs. Yoko KAMIKAWA, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, H.E. Prof. Robert DUSSEY conveyed the cordial greetings of H.E. Mr. Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE, President of the Republic, to Emperor NARUHITO, the Prime Minister and the Government of Japan and recalled the importance of Japanese-African relations while welcoming the excellent relations between our two countries.
  1. Minister DUSSEY presented the strengths of the Togolese economy and the investment opportunities it offers to Japanese companies and entrepreneurs and stressed our country’s willingness to further strengthen cooperation relations with the Land of the Rising Sun. He invited Japan to support the ongoing anti-terrorist response in West Africa and to support the government’s efforts to preserve peace, security and stability in our country.
  1. H.E. Mrs. Yoko KAMIKAWA welcomed, on behalf of the Japanese government, the excellent mediation work undertaken by H.E. Mr. Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE in the Sahel region and West Africa in the service of peace consolidation and the maintenance of regional stability. She noted the importance of the dynamics of promoting African solutions to current African problems on the continent and stressed that Japan is following with great interest Togo’s courageous initiatives in favor of peace in West Africa and the Sahel.
  1. Minister KAMIKAWA affirmed Japan’s willingness to increase its commercial and economic presence in Togo in view of the country’s assets in terms of the availability of a predominantly young workforce, regional financial institutions and the facilities that the government offers to foreign investors.
  1. Also, in Tokyo, H.E. Prof. Robert DUSSEY had a meeting with H.E. Dr. Badr ABDELATTY, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Expatriates of Egypt during which the two personalities noted the convergence of views of their respective countries on issues of peace and security in a continental and international environment where it is essential to invest more in conflict prevention and resolution. Minister DUSSEY stressed that Togo’s commitment to peace is motivated, among other things, by the country’s determination to contribute to the achievement of the continental agenda of “Silencing the Guns in Africa“.
  1. H.E. Prof. Robert DUSSEY took the opportunity to invite H.E. Dr. Badr ABDELATTY to take part in the 9th Pan-African Congress to be held from October 29 to November 2, 2024, in Lomé on the theme “Renewal of Pan-Africanism and the role of Africa in the reform of multilateral institutions: mobilizing resources and reinventing ourselves to act“.
  1. During his stay in Tokyo, H.E. Prof. Robert DUSSEY led a public conference at Sophia University on the theme “Peace and security in Africa: Togo’s role in mediation in the Sahel“. During this conference, he stressed that the concept of positive peace is at the heart of Togo’s diplomatic action and Togolese diplomacy has distinguished itself in recent years by its activism in the service of peace and mediation in West Africa and the Sahel.
  1. H.E. Prof. Robert DUSSEY emphasized that the success of Togolese diplomacy is not only the result of a cultural and historical heritage, but also stems from its willingness to talk to everyone. When there is a crisis or conflict in progress, the parties involved need neutral states or personalities to talk to each other and this is the interface work that Togolese diplomacy does in West Africa and the Sahel.
  1. The head of Togolese diplomacy also met in Tokyo with the Togolese diaspora and took the opportunity to present the initiatives taken by the government to further involve Togolese abroad in the construction of the national edifice.

Done at Tokyo, August 25, 2024

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