- Since 15th April 2023, the sister Republic of Sudan has been experiencing an unprecedented situation of armed conflict between the army (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), the consequences of which are not only disastrous, in terms of human and material losses, but also multidimensional.
- Despite the various initiatives taken in the East African region, those taken by the African Union, the international community and also by certain partners of the country, the situation unfortunately remains very worrying to this day.
- To address this situation, and true to its commitment to resolving the conflicts that are shaking the continent, in order to strengthen the Pax Africana, Togo, under the leadership of the President of the Republic H. E. Mr. Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE, welcomed a delegation of personalities from Darfur (Sudan) as part of a consultative dialogue held from 23rd to 24th July 2023 in Lomé, the Capital of Peace, Mediation, Dialogue and Tolerance.
- As part of the outcome of a number of high-level consultations, the Lomé meeting supports the efforts being made to enable political and military leaders, mainly from Darfur, to discuss the impacts of the war on their country, and to build and adopt common views likely to mitigate the disastrous implications of the conflict, and beyond that, to examine the possibilities of putting an end to hostilities and returning to peace through a negotiated, comprehensive and lasting solution.
- The repercussions of this dialogue under the Togolese “palaver tree” should help to catalyse the search for negotiated solutions to the Sudanese conflict within the framework of the peace process initiated in May 2023 in Jeddah by the United States and Saudi Arabia.
- President Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE thanked the Sudanese authorities and the various actors involved in the search for solutions to the conflict and assured them of Togo’s readiness to assist in the return to normality.
Lomé, 24th of July 2023