Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and Togolese Abroad - Togo
Chief Negotiator of ACP Group for Post-Cotonou 2020 agreement - Professor of Political Philosophy

Prof. Robert Dussey

Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and Togolese Abroad - Togo
Chief Negotiator of ACP Group for Post-Cotonou 2020 agreement - Professor of Political Philosophy

Diplomatic Conference of Ambassadors and Diplomatic mission officers of Togo 2024

  1. At the initiative of the President of the Republic, H.E. Mr. Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE, the conference of ambassadors and chargés d’affaires a.i. of Togo abroad was organized in Lomé on August 5 and 6, 2024.
  1. Chaired by H.E. Prof. Robert DUSSEY, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and Togolese Abroad, this conference is part of the current political context of Togo following the promulgation, on May 6, 2024, of a new constitution establishing the Fifth Togolese Republic based on a parliamentary regime.
  1. This present conference follows an information session, held on July 12, 2024 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the benefit of the diplomatic and consular corps accredited to Togo to discuss the evolution of the political situation in Togo.
  1. The conference served as a framework to discuss with Togo’s representatives abroad several topics of national interest, including the Constitution of the Fifth Republic, the implementation of the government roadmap, the emergency program and strengthening of the resilience of populations in the savannah region, optimization of the diaspora in national development, the 9th Pan-African Congress of Lomé, the financial and accounting management of embassies as well as the new visa procedures for Togo.
  1. Opening the proceedings, Professor DUSSEY stressed the importance of this diplomatic meeting whose main objective is to forge a common understanding of national and international political issues with a view to strengthening the effectiveness of Togo’s diplomatic missions and consular posts abroad.
  1. On the political developments in the country, the conference allowed Togolese representatives abroad to be informed about the substantial reforms introduced by the new constitution of the Fifth Republic which respond to the contemporary aspirations of the Togolese people and which require a fundamental adaptation of the Togolese diplomatic approach in an international context marked by incessant political transformations.
  1. Prof. DUSSEY took this opportunity to launch a vibrant patriotic appeal to the heads of Togo’s diplomatic missions abroad. He urged them to fully embrace Togo’s new vision and strategic orientations, which are particularly relevant in the current geopolitical context.
  1. At the end of the discussions on the various topics on the agenda of this conference, Togolese diplomats reiterated their commitment to present a united front, actively promote Togo, defend its strategic interests and consolidate its image on the international scene.
  1. The conference congratulated the Head of State for his initiative to bring together Togo’s representatives abroad to enable them to take ownership of the major socio-political innovations made and carried by the new constitution.
  1. On the sidelines of this conference, the participants carried out field visits on August 3, 2024, in particular to the Nioupourma camp where the Koundjoaré task force is stationed, responsible for containing the jihadist threat in the north of the country, in order to learn about the efforts made by the government in the fight against terrorism.
  1. In addition, in Mandouri, in the Kpendjal prefecture, Togo’s representatives abroad had the opportunity to interact directly with the local populations, who are on the front lines facing the effects of jihadism. These visits allowed diplomats to better understand the realities on the ground and the security challenges facing the country.
  2. H.E. Prof. DUSSEY, in closing the conference, welcomed the fruitful discussions and the commitments made to reaffirm Togolese diplomacy, which is now pragmatic, bold and uninhibited. He invited the participants to support, in their respective jurisdictions, the political, diplomatic and economic efforts of the Togolese government to achieve shared and sustainable emergence.

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